

英漢字典: get off

1. (cause to) leave(a vehicle)(使)下(車)

    The bus driver got the passengers off in time. 公共汽車司機讓乘客及時下了車。

    Sue got off the train at the wrong station. 蘇下錯了火車站。

2. leave;start 離開;出發

    We got off early and arrived be fore lunch. 我們出發得早,所以午飯前就趕到了。

    The plane got off on time. 飛機準時起飛了。

    We got off immediately after breakfast. 早飯後,我們立即就出發了。

3. clean or remove(a mark, dirt,etc. )擦去(污漬等)

    There's a dirty mark on the wall that I can't get off. 牆上有個污漬我無法擦掉。

    I couldn't get the coffee stains off my shirt. 我無法去掉我襯衫上的咖啡污蹟。

4. tabe off 脫掉

    His mother told him to get his wet clothes off. 他媽媽要他把濕衣服脫掉。

5. (cause to)leave; not remain on (使)離開;不要停留在…之上

    That grass is newly seeded;please get off. 草地剛播種,請走開。

    Getting children off to school is tiring work. 催促孩子們去上學是件煩人的事情。

    We got him off on the evening train. 我們送他搭晚車走了。

6. save; rescue救出

    The last three sailors were got off just before the ship sank. 最後3名水手剛得救船就沉了。

    The crew of the stranded yacht were in danger but we got them off,那艘擱淺帆船上的船員處于危險之中,但我們把他們救出來了。

7. escape or nearly escape punishment;save from punishment逃避懲罰;使免遭懲罰

    The thieves got off lightly,as the judge was not severe with them. 由于法官對竊賊不那麼嚴厲,他們輕易地就逃避了懲罰。

    He got off with a warning. 他受了一次警告就完事了。

    The judge got him off, but he wouldn't have got him off so easily if it hadn't been a first offence. 法官從輕發落了他,若不是初犯,他是不會這麼輕而易舉地放過他的。

    The lawyer got his client off. 律師使他的委託人免遭懲罰。

    It was his youth and inexperience that got him off. 他因年幼無知而受到從寬處理。

8. escape from;free from 逃避;擺脫

    No one should get off paying his taxes. 任何人都不應逃稅。

    He managed to get off doing this kind of dirty work. 他設法逃避幹這類髒活兒。

9. escape or nearly escape injury in an accident 在事故中免受傷害或損失

    Fortunately the two cars didn't crash head on,so Bill got off with nothing worse than a bad fright. 幸好這兩部車沒有迎頭相撞,所以比爾只是受了一場驚嚇。

10. send; go; dispatch by post (把信件等)郵寄出去

I want to get this package off at once. 我想把這個包裹馬上寄走。

    Please get the letter off by the five o'clock post. 請把這些信件通過5點的那趟郵次發出去。

    We got the orders off promptly. 我們準時發出了訂單。

11. make a joke說笑話

    The lecturer got off one or two very amusing jokes. 演講者講了一兩個極有趣的笑話。

12. learn by heart;memorize 背誦

    The teacher asked his students to get off the passage by heart. 老師要學生把這段文章背下來。

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